I have to be honest. Being a Christian in a secular environment most of your time could really stretch out your determination on being like Christ. I would like to say that it is a struggle, but, I'd rather imply it to a more constructive term - let's just put it as challenging. I don't want to tell it to everyone in a negative way but it's a great experience for me that every single day of being crucified with the Lord, I encounter His love (inspite of my transgressions), grace (that still I can come before Him and serve Him in the best way I can), and mercy (still I can ask for His forgiveness no matter how wrong I've been in every skewed road I mistakenly took). Truly the Lord's glory is reflected in every step we take in our lives. I praise the Lord because He has refreshed my perspective that all these are not about us; it's about God alone. Yes, He supplies our needs (which we think is that for God to serve us; uh-oh, big mistake there guys) but it solely means that we are ought to give Him praise because He is worthy for all of His magnificent works and miracles throughout the generations. Most of the time we thank God because we benefited from those things/situations and not purely because His glory must be spoken and magnified - WE TEND TO BE TOO SELFISH! He didn't create these things for us; if He did, we should be appreciating right now the farthest corners of the universe and see EVERYTHING that God has formed. But you see guys, He's the only One who can see and gain pleasure from all these wonderful creations.
Got the picture? ;)
It should always be MORE OF GOD and less of us.
Remember, we're not created to be served and just receive everything that we need. It's the other way around - we're here to serve and live for the Lord inspite of what we have, what we are or where we are right now.
For I am crucified with Christ and yet I live
My life with Christ it lives within me
His Cross will never ask for more than I can give
For it’s not my strength but His
There’s no greater sacrifice
For I am crucified with Christ
And yet I live
I love living for the Lord because I know after surpassing every trial and every teaching, a Christ-like character is instilled within me. I'd never want to trade that opportunity with some worthless, earthly-bound, not eternally-invested living/emotions/things. I wanna reach the high standard that the Lord has set for each one of us so that we can become pure, holy and acceptable before His Throne. I pray that God would give me strength to endure this race and aim the highest calling that He has for me.