i'm here in manila since yesterday. the blessing of the center at Sapang Palay (UST - St. Martin de Porres Community Socio-Medical Center...whew!) was scheduled yesterday and consultation for the out-patient department was closed, so that would mean rehab will also be closed. though my co-interns weren't there with me at sapang, i was with the 4th year OT students because they conducted a seminar to the locals at a certain barangay. we also went home in the afternoon and i'm glad that i gotta free day today. whoopee!!! at least i had the chance again to savor my bed, the comfort of my house & family, and of course....will i ever forget my dear TV and internet?! ;)
my mom woke me up at around 12 noon in a panic mode. she was like so happy to inform me about something interesting. natawa ako when she was excited to tell me that, "Dianne, yung F4 nasa TV! nagbo-bowling sila! dali!!!" haha...gosh...i shouldn't have included this one here. my reputation could have the possibility to get ruined. ohhhh!!!! jyowk!
anyways, as i was surfing the tv channels, i stumbled upon this one particular familiar film. The Mirror has Two Faces. di ba? for me it was a sappy yet interesting story...if it's possible to happen to people. sure, there should be no kissin and other physical stuffs between the couple but duh...after marriage?! and they get to sleep on separate beds because the guy thinks that marrying someone is only for the sake of companionship and nothing else beyond that. shall we call the thought an insanity?! i bet you've seen this already...if not, i suggest you grab your video membership card and rush to the nearest blockbuster store kasi it's a nice movie. i cried in the end, actually. i have seen this before; but then i guess absorbing the lines and all wasn't my thing that moment kaya walang impact sa akin. i must tell you, i get really emotional every valentine's day. but all these things will always come to pass...nagda-drama lang naman ako. and it's normal! back to reality ulit ako pag ganun.

my life has just begun; i've finally found someone...aaahh!
after watching that, i changed the channel to ETC. there i saw a Shark Tank Wedding...very unique and soooo non-traditional kasi there were no entourage. talagang love has its own definition and has different ways to show it to the ones they love. also in TODAY Show, they also featured Everyday Heroes. this one's really touching. a guy had a Spinal Cord Injury, C5 quadriplegia, in this condition, he was a few marks away from his wedding day and his graduation as a medicine student happened months after the injury. i wasn't able to catch the story about the accident but it was touching to know that his fiancee still decided to marry him depsite of the additional burden the circumstances has placed upon them. now, the guy has graduated from medical school and he's currently a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation resident in a hospital at North Carolina. talaga nga namang under that specialization pa siya! a doctor on that particular aspect ang tinataguriang boss ng mga PT, OT, Speech Therapists, etc...mga pang-rehab. he has an assistant nurse kasi he knows in reality he cannot do all the things the doctor normally does..being independent and all. i guess his wife is an OT kasi she was helping out her husband eat a meal in a modifed manner with certain utensil adaptations and she's all dressed up as a therapist. basta...when i saw her, OT nga. hehe. she was talking to the show hosts that though her husband has acquired such disability, there are several adapatations that the two of them can do to be able to satisfy their needs as husband and wife and around their home. at yun ang tinuturo naming mga occupational therapists!
o sige na...madadrama na mga sinusulat ko dito. baboosh!