PRAYER & PROPHECY during the GIFT concert
"And I pray Lord for these young people who led us to worship You tonight. I pray O God that they will be worshippers of You. Lord they will not be performers O God on the stage, on the platform but they will be worshippers of You, O God. For God this is just the beginning O Lord of something great that You're going to do in their lives O Lord God...that from out of this place You shall send them out, O God, to touch the lives of young and old O God; hear the Word of the Lord; for God shall raise men to touch the hearts of people and you shall sing the song of the Lord for if you honor that song of the Lord you shall compose melodies, you shall compose songs, lyrics that will touch the hearts even in great peoples of all, yes, for God shall raise you up if you shall remain humble in the sight of the Lord you shall sing before crowds of people, even hundreds and thousands of people, yea, humble yourselves before the Lord your God, and He shall lift you up and you shall be a channel of God's blessing, of salvation, of healing, of anointings..."
---> Hallelujah! blessed be the Name of the Lord our God!!!