Monday, December 26, 2005
this christmas, i never felt deserted nor too squeezed in a relationship to point of no escape and eternal misery. im happy.
just happy.
i guess i've been staring too much on the little, white spot in this very huge yet exquisite obra maestra-in-the-progress. i'm certain that God is currently working on it and for sure He wants to pat my shoulder and assure me, "everything's gonna be fine, my child. don't put too much pressure on yourself. i'm in control, remember?" i know He really is. i hate myself whenever i daydream about this particular stuff...makes me frustrated and leaves me on questioning things. but then, i want that moment to be intricately and perfectly designed, without blemish...a made-in-heaven plot, and the ONE's been exclusively hand-picked by my Lord.
rest assured it's going to happen. i'm gonna meet him (or have i? yihee!!!), but not yet soon; i'm sure it'll be wonderful and it would just make me stand in awe of God's mysterious ways in executing His best-laid plans for me. all i need to do now is to relax and according to Song of Songs (and it has been repeatedly reminding us all throughout the entire book) "...not to awaken love until the time is right..." agree? i don't need to bend the standards that God has set for me just to "check" if he's the right one for me.
yes, i'm happy. enjoying this feeling that i have right now but i have to clarify that i'm also not in an intimate relationship nor understanding with a particular person. i'm single. looking? nah...Someone's already doing that for me. actually He already knows who he is. i just have to pray without ceasing and trust my Lord...don't need to put it in my own hands.
i must remember, it's an obra maestra. surely God doesn't want to finish this beautiful work of art so quickly to satisfy my fleeting, empty desire for that little, white spot.
God's servant blogged @ | 6:26 PM
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Paskuhan 2005
Pontifica et Regalis Sancti Thomae Aquinatis Universitas Manilana
ok! enough of happy-go-lucky days!
get soaked in the books effective immediately!
God's servant blogged @ | 5:28 PM
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
i felt a compulsion to update my blog, so that's what i'm doing right now. well, nothing much to gab about, except that my stress or should i put it in a more constructive term, "energy level" is almost at its peak. i'm appreciating this as a matter of fact and i hope this won't run out til the day of the board examination.
nope, i'm not yet confident or even tell a single entity that what i possess now is enough for me to pass the exam. no no mister! it's very scary and most of the time i could not help but reactivate once in a while the worrying factor everytime i get a mistake while answering my reviewers or everytime i forget the answers to our lecturer's recall questions. i still have loads of books of study and as for the OT part, i haven't started reading one book..but tomorrow i'm contemplating about doing so to start the engine and keep it going smoothly while i still have time, and not the other way around which is my ultimate favorite, CRAMMING. most of the people in our class are crammers, but this one must become an exception, or a fresh beginning to live a more organized life. after all, i really felt a change within my system eversince i started little by little structuring my plans.
i guess last night was one of the happenings that we kind of loosen up (and i mean without books or anything related with our lectures) before our huge "gig" on feb - we had a christmas party at our review center and right after we went to UST to check out this year's Paskuhan. too bad we weren't able to capture the awesome fireworks display because of the former activity that we were engaged in. it was so nostalgic and a nice feeling seeing familiar people during my college years. it brought back a lot of memories and i pondered on how easy and laid-back our life was compared to now.
yeah, we didn't see the highlight of the event at my alma mater, but the catching ups and long talks (with a dash of career-oriented topics) totally made up for what was supposed to be our goal of going there.
gotta rest. tomorrow we'll have a 6-hour lecture. need to study in the morning before going to review class!!! aaahhhh!!!! pls add me in your prayers people!!!!
God's servant blogged @ | 12:06 AM
Thursday, December 08, 2005
i'm not affected with what's going on in our review class right now. really. i don't wanna get emotionally involved like our other classmates coz it's not a big fuss and it's not like my whole life's going to get dragged with it. you may say that i am doing so right now coz im spending my time blogging that pitiful issue. to save your time from thinking that way, di ko issummarize or ikkwento yung nangyari. just like what i said earlier, it's too trivial to even take a glimpse AGAIN of every word we absorbed from a horrific character.
but the thing is, perhaps most of us already got sick of becoming shock absorbers. feeling ko lang.
it seems like every class that i belong to was categorized as "pasaway." but this time, hindi kami yung naging pasaway. we're about to take the board exam in a couple of months (yikes!!!) and i don't think we would be needing to include in our consideration this kind of issue as we focus on our review. ka-mawn!!! we enrolled for review class to learn important stuffs and make sure that we appreciate our lecturers' effort in the best way we can. once and for all i want to let this out. our batch for a fact did not intend to cause moral damage; i am certain also that it's not our thing. board exams na 'tong pinag-uusapan natin, so it means next level na rin to morally and emotionally. well, i don't know each of my classmates personally; since we all came from different schools so more or less i speak perhaps for those whose principle is the same as mine. labo ko ba?
i just pray that everything will turn out smooth as we finish the season of our review.
God's servant blogged @ | 8:56 PM
Thursday, December 01, 2005
shocks. i pray my sister would get in with the reservation of tickets for the Singapore trip. i'm currently working on it and it's a huge deal of effort coz i really want her to come with me; especially that it is gonna be our first trip abroad and without the company of our parents. o di ba? tinotopak kasi yung system ng airway, ayaw pumasok nung credit card. when i tried encoding mine, pumasok bigla...pero after several trials din. tiyempuhan. hayyyy...i just hope makasama siya. it would be really fun and very memorable for the both of us.
early this afternoon, my big bro already informed me about the itinerary for our March escapade. kasi it's mainly a church affair, a convention which takes place yearly. the church at singapore is affiliated to our church here in the philippines, so "close" yung mga pastors namin. haha!
anyhoo, this is gonna be my motivation for me to pass the boards. at dapat (sana) with flying colors, para mas feel ko yung trip at enjoy. kailangan kong pumasa!!! otherwise, pupunta pa rin ako...haha! all's been reserved and paid for. no choice. haha. nah, but seriously, i had to nail the boards with God's grace.
oopps, gotta go.
latest news: my sister doesn't want to come with me pala next march, she prefers to take the exam upon its regular sked. sayang. oh well...ok lang.
God's servant blogged @ | 2:58 PM